The U.S. comprises less than 5% of the world's population and one third of the world's spending on pharmaceuticals.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Kickapoo Indians Tape-Worm Secret

"Sure to Get Head, Body, and All."

This remedy was made by the Kickapoo Indians Medicine Company, but it was not invented or made by Kickapoo Indians. A 1907 list of ingredients included the following:
Santonin - powdered wormwood - stuns or kills worms
Podophyllin - dried root of American Mayapple (also useful in removing genital warts)
Sugar - to make the mess palatable?
Rice Flour - probably the base everything else mixed into
Licorice - a root - a soothing coating agent & expectorant so you can cough up the worm
Oil of Anise - another expectorant, also a diuretic & appetite stimulant
Hydragyri Subchloridum - chloride of mercury - if it doesn't kill the worm, it'll kill you.